Your garage
on Côte-de-Liesse

west of Highway 13

Auto Repair Shop, Radiators, and A/C Specialist - Since 1979

Dorvalrad offers an unparallelled level of general mechanics and auto repair, as well as a radiator shop in the Greater Montreal region

Our 3 bay garage loaded with cutting edge tools and equipment allows us to provide our customers with a wide range of services, from general mechanics to vehicle maintenance, such brakes and tire service, oil change, and regular inspections, as well as air conditioning leak testing, freon recuperation, and refilling. We also service and install radiators, fuel tanks and filler pipes, oil pans, and all the other parts we carry.

Dorval Radiators Ltd. is a distributor of Koyo ® and Performance ® radiators, Performance ® condensers, as well as a complete line of air conditioning parts, fuel tanks, and oil pans. We repair and maintain all types or radiators, from car and truck radiators to lift truck radiators, generator radiators and virtually every type of radiator in existence.

Your Radiator is one of the most important componants of your vehicle since without a radiatiator, your engine would overheat and nothing would work. That's why it's imporant to install a quality radiator and maintain your radiator regularly to ensure that your radiator continues to perform as efficiently as possible.

Since 1979, we have been the radiator supplier of choice for dealerships, garages, bodyshops, and individuals in the Greater Montreal area. We specialize in industrial radiators, lift truck radiators, as well as radiators for generators of all sizes.

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Call us at (514) 631-4531 to request a price, ask a question, or make an appointment.
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Discover our services

In addition to distributing parts,
we offer a complete auto and truck mechanic service.
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We are proud to offer you these prestigious brands